E-Book of the Month(For Teachers)

Resources for Mag Activities-Click here
Including Games into Classrooms-Click here
CBSE/NCERT Circulars
- Art Integrated projects for grade I-X: Circular by CBSE
- Online Essay Competition on the theme ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat-Swatantra Bharat’ – regarding
- ‘MANODARPAN’- an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development to provide Psychosocial Support to students for their Mental Health & Well-being during the COVID outbreak and beyond
- Rationalized Curriculum and Guidelines for Internal Assessment 2020-21
- Revised Academic Curriculum for the session 2020-21: Circular | Link of Revised Curriculum
- Launching of Online Teacher Training Course on Experiential Learning on DIKSHA
Resource/Tips/Tools for Virtual Class
- Math Resources to use in your remote teaching.
- Tools to(remotely) collect students response/feedback
- The science of keeping kids engaged-Even from home.
- Reaching the Students Who Don’t Have Reliable Internet Access
- Remote Learning and Digital Equity: Challenges and Opportunities
- Following These Simple Tricks Will Help You Look Your Best on Virtual class
Updates/Articles/Circulars for Teachers
Manuals/Handbooks by CBSE
- Art Integration Handbook
- Handbook of Inclusive Education
- Handbook of Joyful Learning
- Physical Education – Class 12
- Physical Education – Class 11
- Handbook for Teachers
- Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Handbook
- Teacher’s Handbook of Mathematical Literacy
- Teacher’s Handbook of Reading Literacy
- Teacher’s Handbook of Scientific Literacy
- AI Integration across subject Handbook
- Eco Clubs and Water conservation Handbook
- Experiential Learning Handbook
- Joyful Teaching And Learning Of Mathematics
Manuals/Handbooks by NCERT
- Alternative Academic Calendar For Students(Primary)
- Alternative Academic Calendar For Students(Upper Primary)
- Alternative Academic Calendar For Students(Secondary)
- The Pre-School Curriculum
- Including Children with Autism in Primary Classrooms
- The Joy of Theatre Handbook
- Education for Value in Schools
- Theme base early childhood Care and Education Programme
- Including Children’s with Special Needs
Quick Links
- Teacher Energized Resource manuals(TERM) of Science and Mathematics.
- Revised Syllabus for Class I – XII
- CBSE Curriculum/syllabus for the academic year 2019-2020
- National education policy 2019(Draft)
- Sample question paper 2019-2020(Class X) by CBSE-Link
- Sample question paper 2018-2019(ClassX)by CBSE-Link
- Value Education-Teachers handbook
- Heath and physical guidelines for schools(NCERT)
- Division of Educational Kits by NCERT-Link
- Art Integrated learning guidelines by NCERT
- Swayam-Free Online Courses by Govt. of India
- Examination related materials by CBSE
- E-Books and Supportive materials to teachers by CBSE
- CBSE Class-9,10,11,12 Sample paper(Solved and Unsolved)
- Exemplar for Class 6 to 12 by NCERT
- Previous year CBSE question papers
Teachers Resource-Web sites
- Collins Digital Home Learning: Textbook based audio, video, games and worksheets
- NISHTHA : Capacity building programme for School Teachers and Heads by NCERT
- DIKSHA : Digital Knowledge sharing site for Teachers by HRD-Govt. of India
- School of Educators-Link
- Teachers of India-Link
- Mathwords(Interactive math dictionary)-link
- Science and Mathematics Experiments by Vigyan Pratibha(Govt. of India)
- National Repository of Open Educational Resources(NROER)
- National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE)
- Learning resource exchange for schools-link
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics-link
- Education.com : Printable teaching resource(Kg-Grade 5)
- Physical Education and Sports by CBSE-link
- We are Teachers : Creative class rooms Ideas-link
- Google Classroom
- Teaching English(Resource for English Teachers) by BBC-link